Manu national park

The Park is a recognised UNESCO World Heritage Site and is situated in southeast Peru's Amazon region. It is home to about 20,000 different plant species, including water lilies.

Plaza de Armas de Iquitos

The city is situated in the Amazon Basin's Great Plains. The region's top restaurants, hotels, and shopping are all located close to the city.

Pacaya Samiria National Reserve

The second-largest protected natural area in Peru, Pacaya Samiria is home to 965 species of wild plants and over 1000 different species of animals.

Tambopata National Reserve

The Tambopata National Reserve is home to the most colourful parrots and macaws in the world, according to a well-known location.

Sandoval Lake

One of Peru's largest oxbow lakes is home to the Arapaima, a species of enormous Amazonian fish, black caiman, and a family of enormous river otters.

Mercado Adolpho Lisboa

This primary market is found in the coastal city of Manaus and sells everything from indigenous crafts to Amazonian remedies to fresh local vegetables.

Teatro Amazonas

Manaus is home to the Theater Amazon, an opera theatre. There are countless Italian chandeliers and European charms throughout the structure.

Palácio Rio Negro

The Rio Negro Palace was initially constructed as the property of a German rubber baron towards the end of the 19th century and later served as the official governor's residence.

Cachoeira de Iracema Waterfall

The Cachoeira de Iracema waterfall is situated deep within the self-described "Terra de Cachoeiras," or "Land of Waterfalls," and is surrounded by thick forest foliage.

Yasuni National Park and Biosphere Reserve

It is the most ecologically varied place on the earth, with a large population of animals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, and amphibious plants.