Grand Prismatic Spring

The third biggest hot spring in the world and the largest in Yellowstone National Park is known as Grand Prismatic Spring.

Lamar Valley

A mountain glacier that carved out the Lamar Valley in Yellowstone National Park left behind a number of stones and glacial ponds.

Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone

The canyon is up to 4,000 feet broad and 1,200 feet deep at several points throughout its 20-mile length.

Old Faithful

The Washburn-Langford-Doane Expedition gave it its name in 1870 because they saw that it erupted "faithfully" every 63 to 70 minutes.

Lower Yellowstone River Falls

The Lower Falls is the park's highest waterfall, standing at 308 feet.

Mammoth Hot Springs

The biggest known carbonate depositing spring in the world is Mammoth Hot Springs.

Upper Geyser Basin

The biggest collection of geysers in the world, including several of the largest geysers in the world, may be found in the Upper Geyser Basin.

Artist Point

The point is situated east-northeast of Yellowstone Falls. The location where Thomas Moran painted his 1872 sketches of the falls.

Dragon's Mouth Springs

A strong sulphur odour is continually emitted from the Dragon Mouth Spring as it continuously bubbles up with hot water and steam.